Holy Lust

"Sure, he deviated from that path when he wanted to, but for him there was no need to separate the things we do on Saturday night from the things we do on Sunday morning."

the NYT Picks for reader comments are particularly fertile for this one. Check Mr. Ned Hickey from Marlborough, CT:

The author's premise about Judeo-Christian spirituality and sexual love somewhat inaccurate or misleading. Th gist of St. Augustine's approach is consistent with the body/spirit dichotomy of Platonism, but not the integrated body/spirit/sexuality spirituality found in the Biblical Song of Songs [e.g., My lover is like a gazelle, a young stag ....] and the line of Jewish and Christian mystics for whom sexual love was a significant reflection of the divine love of God. prince would have found poetic sustenance for his vision in the writings of Kabbala and the Sephirot, or, St. Bernard of Clairvaux and St. Teresa of Avila.

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